
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MORE Fall 2014 Fashion Ideas

I'm back again today with another fashion board. This time, a different color palette and a little dressier, but not overly dressy! That's what I call the in-between look because it's still casual enough to be comfortable, but still dressy looking. You don't want something you can't sit down in or something that your children will be uncomfortable in. Fact is, if it feels uncomfortable, it will look uncomfortable in the photos. And we certainly don't want that! 

The above looks today I pulled from H&M and Crazy8 for the kids fashions. I love both these places to find clothing options for the whole family because it's affordable.

Of course, you can use this as a guide for your family photos, maybe choose an alternate color palette (some ideas below) or different shoes. This is a fun thing to print out and take with you while you're shopping in the store. I've included some alternate color palettes below. I hope you enjoyed these fall 2014 fashions.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Fall 2014 Fashion Board

Hi everyone! I know it's been a long while since I last blogged, but I've been SUPER busy all this time. Between personal happenings, vacation, school starting, to my clients' photo sessions, there has been a lot going on!

I had some time to sit down and come up with a fall 2014 fashion board of suggestions for what to wear. My mock family this time has clothing options for mom, dad, big brother and baby brother. All these fashions can be found at H&M US. I'm not affiliated in any way, I just love their clothing options for the entire family!

These are fun for me to sit down to make because it makes me think of what I'd love a family to wear for a photo session outdoors and it helps to coordinate everyone, but not "match". You don't want to all wear one color because you blend together. You also want texture, color, and coordinating patterns as well. This is so fun to do. I encourage you to have fun with the wardrobe!! That and the location are the most fun parts to choose. And they're going to hang on your walls, so be sure you love the way you all look!!