
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

It's Apple Picking Season

I adore fall for so many reasons. The colors. The crisp air. Pumpkin spiced everything. I could go on and on. But one thing I do love is apple picking. I love riding out to the orchards with the kids and hubby in the wagon and picking apples. It's a local place we've gone to a couple of times. It's a little pricey, but you're paying for the experience I guess. I'm going to share that experience with you!

And remember, these are what I consider lifestyle, so if you really love them, I can meet your family at a local orchard (or pumpkin patch/farm) and you can have fun, pick apples (or pumpkins) as a family and you'll have wonderful, professional photos forever. Contact me today to book yours before all my October dates are gone. I have just a couple up for grabs. You can email me at or visit my website and send me an email there!

I hope you enjoyed "meeting" myself and my family!
- Roxanne